
NFFN Cymru: Sustainable Farming Scheme

Sustainable Farming Scheme

The Welsh Government is in the final stages of developing the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS), which is the start of a new long-term programme to support agriculture in Wales.

Done well, this new era of farm support can help restore our farmed landscapes, building vitality and resilience in our fields, farms and communities. A more rounded view of how we use our land can bring multiple benefits, marrying sustainable food production alongside ambitious climate action and impressive biodiversity gains.

If done badly, however, the move towards this new future risks continuing the cycle of flatlining farm incomes, heightened vulnerability, and ongoing environmental decline. 

The SFS must help put farming on a secure path, underpinned by profitable farm businesses and thriving landscapes

Our open letter to Huw Irranca-Davies

We have sent an open letter to the Huw Irranca-Davies MS, the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, outlining our five key asks for ensuring the Sustainable Farming Scheme works for all farmers. Our open letter attracted over 1,200 signatures.

Read the open letter

Our five keys asks for making the Sustainable Farming Scheme work:

  1. Provide a proper funding package for nature-friendly farming 

  2. Ensure that no farmer gets left behind 

  3. Follow the principle of the right tree in the right place for the right purpose

  4. Payments that deliver genuine outcomes

  5. The right advice, guidance and support for farm-level change

As it stands, those farmers in Wales who are doing the most for nature are being disadvantaged. The SFS currently does nothing to distinguish between farmers who are doing the bare minimum required under the scheme and those who are going above and beyond that baseline to deliver multiple benefits.

Rhys Evans, NFFN Cymru manager

The Sustainable Farming Scheme - will the Welsh Government get it right?


Want to know more about the Sustainable Farming Scheme?

Read NFFN Cymru's Summary Paper on the SFS

This paper provides a summary of the consultation document. It does not set out our views on the proposals. The details outlined in these proposals will not necessarily be the final scheme design and might be subject to change prior to the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme launch in 2025.


Watch our SFS webinar with the Welsh Government

On Tuesday, 13th February, we hosted a webinar with David Ashford from the Welsh Government, who gave an overview of the SFS consultation.

Read our Key Points Briefing

This paper outlines some of our thoughts on the proposals, including what we consider to be the positives as well as areas of weakness and concerns. We highlight our five key asks for what the scheme needs to incorporate to work for all farmers.


Read NFFN Cymru's consultation response

NFFN Cymru has responded to the WG's Sustainable Farming consultation.  Thank you to everyone who inputted into this process.

Read our response

Read our briefing on the potential economic impacts of the Sustainable Farming Scheme

The Welsh Government commissioned independent research to estimate the potential economic effects of elements of the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme. This briefing provides a summary of the report along with our thoughts and observations.
