
Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Post-2020: A Statement of Intent


The Scottish Government released the  Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Post-2020: A Statement of Intent this week.

This sets out the  recognition that “the twin global crises of biodiversity loss and climate change require us to work with nature to secure a healthier planet”.

The document makes reference to agriculture, in particular working with stakeholders in the sector, and highlights the work being led by Nature-Scot Piloting an Outcome Based Approach in Scotland (POBAS). This project tests innovative approaches to delivering environmental outcomes on farms and crofts, with the pilot working with 40 farmers and crofters across Scotland.

NFFN continues to work with other stakeholders in Scotland to seek clarity from Scottish Government on what funding will be available for AECS between 2021 and 2024.

Image by Nikki Yoxall