Farmers not currently signed up to an agri-environment scheme urgently need an alternative to stabilise their financial position following Defra’s abrupt closure of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI).
The NFFN is calling on the Government to introduce an interim scheme to assist farmers in England not currently enrolled in the SFI.
This follows the shock decision by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to close the SFI to new applications on Tuesday evening (11 March) without warning.
The Government said the SFI - a key aspect of England's Environmental Land Management scheme (ELMs), which rewards farmers for actions that benefit biodiversity and the environment - had exhausted its funding.
Our proposed interim SFI would provide targeted assistance to farmers most in need, offering a streamlined version of environmental support until a more comprehensive solution is available. This would help stabilise the financial position of farmers who cannot afford to wait 18 months for the next round of government support.
We have also criticised the SFI’s design and administration, as too much of the budget has gone to unambitious actions that have delivered little for the environment.
NFFN CEO Martin Lines said: “The Government needs to act swiftly to introduce this interim support scheme. We're not expecting a fully-fledged solution, but rather a targeted approach to help those farmers who need it most and cannot wait 18 months for support.
“Many of the problems that have led to the abrupt closure of the SFI were predictable and should have been foreseen by both ministers and civil servants. The way this closure has been handled has left thousands of farmers high and dry, with many now in a really difficult financial position. The lack of prior warning was completely unacceptable. Lessons must be learned from this.