
Introduction to Agroforestry with Edd Colbert

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Photo: Sorcha Lewis

Introduction to Agroforestry with Edd Colbert


October 29th, 2024 - 9:30 am


October 29th, 2024 - 3:00 pm

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Led by Edd Colbert, explore the benefits of agroforestry and how they are applied at Henbant Farm. Learn how integrating trees across the farm can benefit productivity, animal health and welfare, the environment and provide an alternative income stream helping with farm business resilience. Also learn about the practicalities and considerations when designing your own agroforestry system.

After attending this workshop participants can expect to be able to:

  1. Understand the benefits of, and differences between, different types of agroforestry.

  2. Connect farm objectives to agroforestry design processes.

  3. Consider practical agroforestry design parameters (e.g. orientation, spacing etc.)

  4. Identify ideal placements for different systems across a whole farm landscape.

  5. Apply theoretical learnings to a real farm landscape

This workshop is directed at farmers, growers, landworkers, agricultural advisors, land agents, and students who have basic but limited knowledge of agroforestry.


9:30am - Arrival at Henbant Farm for registration and tea and coffee.

10am - Welcome and introductions

10:30am - Agroforestry presentation and 3D Landscape Mapping Exercise

12pm - Lunch (this will be provided)

12:45pm - Farm walk with Matt Swarbrick

2:30 - Final reflections and questions

Edd Colbert works with farmers, landowners, and tree professionals to design and implement effective agroforestry systems. He delivers training on agroforestry design and plays an active role in supporting the UK’s agroforestry movement. He was the lead organiser of the UK’s first Agroforestry Show in 2023 and is a trusted partner to many organisations in the farming and forestry sectors.

Join the Nature Friendly Farming Network as a free member to be the first to hear of other events in the series.


Cyflwyniad i Amaeth-goedwigaeth gydag Edd Colbert

Gweithdy ar fanteision amaethgoedwigaeth ac ystyriaethau wrth ddylunio eich system amaethgoedwigaeth eich hun

Dan arweiniad Edd Colbert, mae’r gweithdy hwn yn Fferm Henbant yn archwilio manteision amaeth-goedwigaeth. Dysgwch sut y gall integreiddio coed ar draws y fferm fod o fudd i gynhyrchiant, iechyd a lles anifeiliaid, yr amgylchedd a darparu ffrwd incwm amgen gan helpu gyda gwydnwch busnes fferm. Dysgwch hefyd am yr ymarferoldeb a'r ystyriaethau wrth ddylunio eich system amaeth-goedwigaeth eich hun.

Ar ôl mynychu’r gweithdy hwn gall byddwch yn gyfarwydd â’r canlynol:

  1. Manteision gwahanol fathau o amaeth-goedwigaeth a'r gwahaniaethau rhyngddynt.

  2. Cysylltu amcanion fferm â phrosesau dylunio amaeth-goedwigaeth.

  3. Ystyried paramedrau dylunio amaeth-goedwigaeth ymarferol (e.e. cyfeiriadedd, bylchau ac ati)

  4. Nodi lleoliadau delfrydol ar gyfer systemau gwahanol ar draws tirwedd fferm gyfan.

  5. Rhoi’r damcaniaethau hyn ar waith ar eich fferm

Mae'r gweithdy hwn wedi'i anelu at ffermwyr, tyfwyr, gweithwyr tir, cynghorwyr amaethyddol, asiantau tir, a myfyrwyr sydd â gwybodaeth sylfaenol ond cyfyngedig am amaeth-goedwigaeth.

Trefn y diwrnod

9:30am - Cyrraedd Fferm Henbant i gofrestru a sgwrs dros baned

10am - Croeso a chyflwyniadau

10:30am - Cyflwyniad amaeth-goedwigaeth a gweithgaredd mapio tirwedd 3D

12pm - Cinio (darperir yn rhad ac am ddim)

12:45pm - Taith fferm hefo Matt Swarbrick

2:30 - Crynodeb a thrafodaeth

Ymunwch â'r Rhwydwaith Ffermio er Lles Natur fel aelod am ddim i fod y cyntaf i glywed am ddigwyddiadau eraill yn y gyfres.

Mae Edd Colbert yn gweithio gyda ffermwyr, tirfeddianwyr, a gweithwyr coed proffesiynol i ddylunio a gweithredu systemau amaeth-goedwigaeth effeithiol. Mae’n darparu hyfforddiant ar ddylunio amaeth-goedwigaeth ac yn chwarae rhan weithredol wrth gefnogi mudiad amaethgoedwigaeth y DU. Ef oedd prif drefnydd Sioe Amaeth-goedwigaeth gyntaf y DU yn 2023 ac mae’n bartner dibynadwy i lawer o sefydliadau yn y sectorau ffermio a choedwigaeth.

The Woodland Trust has received £25 million in funds, thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery, to help create, protect, and restore native woodlands across the UK. This event / training, which guides people in achieving these goals, was made possible through these funds.

Mae Coed Cadw wedi derbyn £25 miliwn, ac mae’r diolch am hynny yn mynd i chwaraewyr People's Postcode Lottery. Bydd yr arian yn helpu gyda’r gwaith o greu, gwarchod, ac adfer coetiroedd brodorol ym mhob rhan o’r Deyrnas Unedig. Mae’r digwyddiad / hyfforddiant yma yn bosib oherwydd y cronfeydd hyn, ac yn helpu pobl i gyflawni’r nodau dan sylw.